Todoist getting things done
Todoist getting things done

Getting Things Done is not a great system to organise knowledge. So even if you're not looking to fully change the way you work, Getting Things Done could teach you a thing or two. It will also teach you the underlying principles of how to use To-Do Apps like Todoist, Things 3 or Omnifocus well and has a lot of advice that can be implemented in isolation. It's all about execution on the micro-level of your productivity. The primary focus of GTD is on how we deal with all the tasks that fly our way every day. GTD is a productivity system based on a book by David Allen (it's been called the defining business self-help book of it's century) that has a strong focus on day-to-day execution and organisation. Let's take a look at why you should care about GTD, how it works and how to implement GTD: What is Getting Things Done and why should you care? If you've been around the productivity scene for a bit, then you've probably heard of it - it's sort of the holy grail of personal productivity systems. My favourite system so far is Getting Things Done (or GTD).

todoist getting things done todoist getting things done

You're overwhelmed by your To-Do-List, you constantly interrupt your workflow because of some new task appearing and you have the permanent feeling that you're forgetting something important? Then you might want to try implementing a system for personal productivity. Purchasing something through the links provided in this post supports the blog via Affiliate Commissions.

Todoist getting things done